Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pushups and Situps Challenge

My guess is that everyone has a weight-related goal each year that they do or don't achieve. We live in a visual society and there's been a real shift towards health and wellness. So, I have revived my previous weight loss resolution for the new year, and I have added on two additional challenges, thanks to my friend BySarah: 100 Push-ups and 200 Sit-ups! Check out my Week One, Day One results...

Before you can start the plan, you have to do a placement test. No cheating is allowed and they assume many people will score low on these tests. This is nice because you don't have to feel like a failure if you can only eke out a few reps. Here's how I did:

Initial Pushups: 7
Initial Sit-ups (crunches): 34

I wanted to put up my actual numbers so people can see (in 6 weeks) just how far I've come! Now, on to day one's results. Don't worry, I'll only be posting results once a week:)

Day One Push-ups
Set 1: 6
Set 2: 6
Set 3: 4
Set 4: 4
Set 5: 6

Day One Sit-ups
Set 1: 21
Set 2: 27
Set 3: 21
Set 4: 21
Set 5: 30

I find it curious that my muscles really had a problem with the crunches, even though I consider myself very weak in the upper body...huh...learning something about my body already!

Until next time...


Jennifer said...

Yay for you! I did the 100 push-up challenge a few months back. It's amazing the progress that can be made following the program.

Anonymous said...

yay for you! And thanks for the site. I am joining you, starting with an abysmal 4 pushups. That is actually more than I thought I could do, even though they are only pushups from the knee. So I'll be excited to chart both your progress and my own.
see you on Rav, Janina

Unknown said...

Oh, I hope I didn't give the impression these were regular push-ups, LOL! I'm doing girlie ones too! Glad you're on board:) Go us!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for joining.
I think 34 situps is good.

I could do 7 push-ups too.
I didn't do the situps test, cause I was going to do it this morning, but forgot and then shoveled for 2 hours. Now I am dead. Will do the test tomorrow. And I am doing my 10 minutes at lunch or in the evening before dinner - I havent completely worked it out, when are you doing yours??