Sunday, January 18, 2009

2009 Resolutions

My 2009 Resolutions

Having actual resolutions written down helped a lot last year. So I am doing it again. As usual, it's a bit lengthy, but I hope you will enjoy my crafty and personal plans for the year:)

Craft Resolutions!

1. Knit more projects from my stash. I tend to see a new pattern, search through my stash, decide on a new yarn, and then order it. Or I order yarn cuz it’s pretty, or I’ve heard rave reviews about it. I have seriously grown out of my apartment in the last year, and a lot of this has to do with fiber and fabric. So...this resolution is a very real one that I HAVE to accomplish. Either that, or I have to move to a larger place... (I am allowing myself to buy one project’s worth of yarn each quarter...if I have finished two project’s worth!)

2. Knit something for charity once a quarter. I actually need to follow through this year. I’m thinking making small items like baby booties or hats would be best since I know I can finish those quickly. I think I was too ambitious last year and got overwhelmed within a month of my resolution. However, I would like to knit at least one leprosy bandage this year.

3. Finish all non-afghan WIPs from last year or beyond! Yeah...some of the projects that originally fell under this resolution last year are still hanging around. You know who you are, naughty little projects! This year is the end of an era (my 20s) and the beginning of another (my 30s). In keeping with the “out with the old, in with the new” adage, I will be working hard to finish the 30s Striped Pullover and the this point both projects are like elephants on my back, and that’s just a silly way to walk around:)

4. Knit at least 30 items from my Ravelry queue. In trying to do this last year, I actually made 32 items, so I am keeping this one.

5. Learn two new techniques: intarsia and steeking. Steeking is encompassed in one pattern: Venezia Pullover by Eunny Jang. Incidently this is in my queue:) I have wound the yarn, and will be swatching this week...I’m trying at least! Steeking still gives me the willies!

6. Frog Rhiannon Socks. This is tough for me, because I hat to admit defeat. But, I think it’s finally time to call uncle and frog. I’ll never finish these, and I can use all that beautiful yarn to make a lovely shawl of some sort. Whew...I feel better already!

7. Blog more! Even if it’s just a short paragraph updating progress or sharing a pattern I found, I need to make more of an effort so I don’t lose my faithful readers!

8. Don’t worry about how many projects I have going at a time. I find that I enjoy my knitting more if I am working on something I love. As my feelings change on a project, I need to be able to allow myself to change. Even if it means I have 20 things going at once. (Highly unlikely, since I wouldn’t start more than 5 projects I wasn’t dying to make.)

Personal Resolutions!

1. Be more positive! I’m trying, but this is really an ongoing, lifelong goal. So look for this one every year:)

2. Be more understanding. Ditto!

3. Lose 75% of the weight I have gained in grad school (35 pounds). Well, I didn’t really maintain any weight loss this year. So this one is another holdover...sigh...I’m going to try scheduling my workouts in my planner so that I have no schedule conflicts or excuses. I’ve used my elliptical 2 times in the last 4 days, so I hope this is a good sign:) Also, more yoga needs to happen...for real!

4. Find a NICE boy to date. Several boys last year, none of them nice. So that’s the goal this year. Not desperate for this one, but I am being more proactive...

5. Finish at least two-thirds of my dissertation! Funding will be caput in June, so I better have my act together by then if I ever want to finish the beast!

Until next time...

1 comment:

Pepper said...

I would like to adopt your resolutions and make them my own! They're good ones.

Also, have you ever tried Bikram yoga? It's AWESOME! The first couple of classes you will probably pass out from the heat, but after that it is the most energizing work out you can ask for - and you literally sweat off the pounds. I'm an addict. (Or rather, I was and addict before I got too lazy to exercise at all).

p.s. I'm trying to get better at my blog commenting... everyone is getting little notes on old posts this week!