Monday, September 28, 2009

Resume: Bento Box Quilt

Friday night, I wanted to quilt, desperately, but I need to work on my lecture, and then I went to a bonfire. Saturday, I continued working on my lecture, went to a barbecue, but the need to quilt lingered in the recesses of my brain...lurking, waiting. Saturday night, I chose to go to a party with a newish, kinda sorta friend, which lasted until 7:30 the next morning, so again no quilting. Yesterday, I would not be denied. Lecture finished...Bento Box quilt resumed! I sewed together the strips last night, and this morning finished assembling the quilt top! Woot! Now to figure out a backing fabric and binding :) Yay!

Strips Waiting to be Sewn Together

Until next time...

1 comment:

bySarah said...

I really like your arrangement. And the way you limited your colors. I hope mine with the many more jumbled squares comes out half as nice!!!

Can't wait to see what you choose for the binding.